Annotations scope.
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open override fun entity(id: Entity.Type, labelFormatter: LabelFormatter, vararg properties: Property<AnnotationNode>)
register entity
open override fun entity(id: Entity.Type, errorIfExists: Boolean, vararg properties: Property<AnnotationNode>)
new entity with label inferred from introspected bytecode element
open override fun entity(id: Entity.Type, labelFormatter: LabelFormatter, errorIfExists: Boolean, vararg properties: Property<AnnotationNode>)
new entity with label from labelFormatter
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Iterates over classes stored within a specified annotation element. If synthesize is set to true
, missing types are stubbed based on those stored within the annotation element.
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open override fun property(key: String, extract: Action<Iter<AnnotationNode>, IterValues>): Property<AnnotationNode>
open override fun property(entity: Entity.Type, key: String, extract: Action<Iter<AnnotationNode>, IterValues>)
open override fun property(key: String, strategy: PropertyStrategy, extract: Action<Iter<AnnotationNode>, IterValues>): Property<AnnotationNode>
Associates entity property tag with result of extract action.
open override fun property(entity: Entity.Type, key: String, strategy: PropertyStrategy, extract: Action<Iter<AnnotationNode>, IterValues>)
updates existing entities with property
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open override fun scope(label: String, op: ScopeEntityPredicate, entity: Entity.Type, f: Annotations.() -> Unit)
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Associates value with entity.